A downloadable project for Windows and macOS

(Un)Familiar: Distortion and the Uncanny

This exhibition brings together 23 artists from UCLA DMA, each engaging with the unsettling and often overlooked aspects of the (un)familiar. 

The works take on many themes within this umbrella- the impermanence of natural life vs. the unyielding dystopian present; states of belonging and un-belonging; explorations of morphing, transition, coming apart, and reforming; disruption, nostalgia, and dreaming; technology addiction and therapeutic drawing; and the feeling of being in-between. 

What these artists’ varying approaches have in common is an interest in the depiction of something that is not quite as it should be.

Our virtual gallery is modeled to scale to match the UCLA Design Media Arts’ dedicated student gallery, the Experimental Digital Arts Exhibition Space. We have added one additional immersive room.

 - User Controls - 

Quit: Esc

Move: WASD or arrow keys

Camera: Mouse

Walk Faster: Hold shift

Updated 3 days ago
Published 9 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
TagsAnimation, distortion, dma, exhibition, ucla, uncanny, unfamiliar


UnFamiliar Mac.app.zip 926 MB
UnFamiliar Windows.zip 929 MB

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